always compounded from
Our Spagyric Tinctures
Each Spagyric Formula is compounded from our Spagyric Tinctures, which are tailored to optimally extract each plant's full-spectrum biochemical profile at their peak potency.
With over 140 remedies to select from, we're able to hand pour formulas with a great degree of flexibility and specificity, customizing each formula for specific conditions, organ systems, and health concerns you face.
Always Strategically
Formulated for the Whole Person
You'll never see massive lists of herbs in our formulas. We believe when it comes to formulas, simple is better. We never exceed seven plants per formula, ensuring you get a therapeutic amount of each plant with each dose.
Each plant is selected with care, providing a specific purpose that contributes to the greater whole of the formula.
Each formula targets specific organ systems, tissue states, and common conditions, with a wide range of herbal actions, specific energetic profiles, and synergistic pairs and triplets, to make highly effective and powerful compounds.

always designed for
Constitutional Balance
As clinical herbalists, it's sometimes difficult to make "all-purpose" formulas to provide off the shelf. As such, we've designed our formulary with a variety of tissue state, or constitutional patterns in mind within each organ system.
From excessive dampness or dryness, heat or cold, tension or relaxation, each organ system features specific products that attend to their different ecological patterns of expression.
That way you get the remedy that is specific to the state of YOUR unique organ system, rather than just a catch-all liver formula or a general cough compound.